Bishton Hall Ghost Hunts - £20.00 pp

Bishton Hall in Staffordshire is a Georgian Mansion, built in the 1700’s and surrounded by majestic gardens and creepy woodlands and is also Grade ll Listed and has even been mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086.

Once a former school, this is a property full of history Investigate the former dining room, drawing room, ball room, the long eerie corridors, the old servants kitchen and dining areas, dark cellars with hidden rooms, the grand staircase and former school/chapel rooms. There is also a unique temple, and pet cemetery for the loved animals that once lived at the hall, both of which can be found in the woodland, grounds and gardens.

There has been a large amount of ghostly activity reported, the voices of children, items moving of their own accord, along with loud knocks and bangs heard throughout the hall, plus the visitation of a former owner, Charlotte Sparrow.

Working in small groups, take part in spirit board sessions, evp sessions, table tipping, seances etc. Refreshments available throughout the evening.

£20 per person

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